Hailsham Gospel Mission


The fellowship is currently led by Elders Martin Brown and Dave Sweetman, both of whom have much experience in various churches.  

Martin Brown, Elder
Martin came with his wife, Gudrun, in 2021 after Martin  and Gudrun Browncompleting a degree at All Nations in Ware. Prior to that he had experience as a missionary in Uganda and in a medical role attached to the British Army in Germany. He works almost full-time for the church.

Gudrun works for a charity in Eastbourne.

Dave Sweetman, ElderDave and Phyl Sweetman
Dave joined one of the Countess of Huntingdon churches at Turners Hill in 1981 and has served as a leader there and at other Connexion churches ever since, coming to Hailsham Gospel Mission regularly since 2019, when the fellowship was looking for help. A key part of his training was attending the Cornhill Course, overseen by The Proclamation Trust.
Our treasurer is Dave’s wife, Phyl Sweetman.   Click here to email

We hope to identify others to join the leadership team and take on other roles as we grow in numbers. Like most churches of a congregational nature, the church is ultimately governed by the Members at a church meeting.
Hailsham Gospel Mission is part of a charity called The Countess of Huntingdon’s Connexion, which owns our building.