Hailsham Gospel Mission

Meetings at Hailsham Gospel Mission       Latest updates  Jan - Feb

Minutes of last AGM can be downloaded from here >>>

At 10.00 am we have an informal time of prayer for a few minutes, thinking about the day ahead and especially the morning service.
Morning service begins at 11am. The speaker is either one of our Elders, Dave or Martin, or sometimes a guest speaker.
Communion is on the First Sunday of each month.

Every Wednesday
: Prayer meeting from 11am to 12pm.
The Wednesday after communion: We have an extended prayer time from 9.30-12.30 followed by lunch together. Come when you can, go when you must.

Second and Fourth Thursdays of the month:
Time Together’, with coffee, crafts and cards. 2pm to 4pm.
Other Thursdays: 2pm. W
e are currently doing ‘Christianity Explored’; a course exploring the relevance of Jesus in the modern world, ideal for people who know nothing about Christianity or are interested in refreshing what they do know. Led by Dave and Phyl.

Second Friday: House Group, led by Steve and Emma. 2pm