What's on at HGM in September & October ...
Welcome to Hailsham Gospel Mission
Verse for 2024
Zephaniah Ch3: vv16 & 17-24:
16 "Do not fear, Zion; do not let your hands
hang limp."
17 "The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who
saves. He will
take great delight in you; in
his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you
with singing."
We have a reputation for making visitors feel welcome and at home. We trust you will experience that welcome whether you are a senior citizen or a small child.
All our services are very informal and family friendly, no need to dress up, just come as you are. We even have a dog or two that come with their owners and usually sleep through the service! For primary age children, if they are happy to sit in the adjacent lounge, we have trained teachers and leaders who are all DBS vetted.
You will find our statement of faith (what we believe)
on the "about us" page, but briefly it is very similar to other
mainstream churches in the UK such as the Church of England (Anglican), Baptist
and Methodist churches. Our current constitution is also on the About Us page.