Hailsham Gospel Mission

Sierra Leone Mission

History of the Connexion  >>>

Supporting our communities in Sierra Leone

  • Huge donation of medical equipment from Medi Tech >>>  22 Sep 2024
  • Read Janet's account of her visit >>> 4 July 2024
  • Janet O'Shea, Chair of SLM, has left the UK today for her annual trip to Sierra Leone >>>  25 May 2024

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The Sierra Leone Mission (SLM) is a Christian Charity and forms part of the Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion network of churches throughout the UK. The charity was set up to support the work of The Connexion in the West African country of Sierra Leone, and to continue the legacy of the Countess of Huntingdon.

SLM supports a wide range of projects as well as helping to provide education through Connexion schools, including funding assistance for teachers’ salaries and training.

We also give support to the work of our churches in Sierra Leone: contributing to ministers’ wages, providing funding for ministerial training, and building and maintaining churches.


Selina Countess of HuntingdonYoung members of The Connexion, Charlotte and Esther, have created an inspired recording, focusing on the history of the Countess of Huntingdon's outreach and early churches in Sierra Leone. Click here >>> to view their videos (parts 1, 2 and 3) about the origins of the mission 

Selina Countess of Huntingdon

Donation of medical equipment to the Medical Centre
in Sierra Leone

Following contact with Martin Brown at HGM, Janet O’Shea, Chair of Sierra Leone Mission received an email from Bob Lewis, the Founder and Joint Chairman of Medi Tech Trust, based in Hailsham.

The email had an attachment of items that Medi Tech Trust is donating to our Medical Centre in Sierra Leone. The estimated value of this donation is £50,000. Unsurprisingly this left Janet speechless!

Medi Tech Trust is a UK registered charity. It is dedicated to donating equipment and supplies to medical institutions; arranging training courses for surgeons in low-income countries; and advancing health care education in the community.

This wonderfully generous donation, combined with funds raised by our churches, will make an enormous difference in the Medical Centre. We praise the Lord and send huge thanks to Medi Tech Trust and all those who help our communities in Sierra Leone.

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Janet O'Shea's trip to Mabang, Sierra Leone

Mabang is not the easiest of places to get to, but with a new bridge over the river instead of the rickety ferry, plus ongoing road improvements, the journey usually took us about 45 minutes each morning.

When we arrive, the children gather outside the school for praise and prayer. African time is very much like the Cornish word ‘dreckly’ (meaning at some point in the future; soon, but not immediately!). The start of the day is often delayed as the children saunter in, many having walked several miles. And quite often the teachers arrive later than the children! More >>>

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Prayers for Sierra Leone

2024 - New Year prayer requests from our communities in Sierra Leone >>>

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