Hailsham Gospel Mission

HGM's Five Pillars:

Introduction to the Five Pillars and Leadership for Hailsham Gospel Mission (HGM).

 At HGM we are in many senses both an old and a new Congregation.  Currently we are in a stage of transition of seeking to find and grow into what God is calling us to be and do.  We feel we are called to be:

        A Community of worship,

                 A House of Prayer,

                         A people of Hope and compassion.

We seek to be:

                                  Attractive, Accessible and Active.

The HGM five Pillars (below) are to help us navigate the changes and processes needed to grow and develop into our calling.

At present the Leadership of Hailsham Gospel Mission (HGM), is shared between Dave & Phyl Sweetman, and Martin & Gudrun Brown. 

While getting to know each other and build up our confidence as a church, we are aware of our limited capacity and capability.  So, seek to trust God and look to him and not ourselves.

We are in the process of getting some key renovations done both in the building and our infrastructures.  These will be done slowly and be built up.  We are starting with small projects and try to grow in these.  Remembering it is an “Evolution and NOT a Revolution”.  For this it is important that we go forward together to support the work and service of Gods work and Kingdom.        

Martin Brown HGM Outreach and Development Worker. April 2023


Encounter God and to know Jesus


We want to know and love Jesus more and more. To Grow in and through our times of worship, teaching, prayer, fellowship and discipleship.


Engage with the community and to witness for Jesus


For more people in Hailsham to come to know Jesus.

For HGM to be Mission minded and welcoming to others.


Get Organised and be Fit 4 Purpose


HGM to be well organised and structured, in ways that build up and strengthen the fellowship


Be a community and family


We get to know each other better, to grow, to mature and are equipped as Christians.


Provide pastoral care and prayer ministry


We develop effective ways to provide pastoral care, practical help and prayer.